Jun 18, 2010

Summer Time

Summer has hit southwest florida. Garret is two (2) years old now. There have been a lot of changes this summer. The major one being that Garret had a name change. I decided to change his middle name to0 something that was more meaningful as a family name. I was debating between William like my fathers, Barnett like my grandfathers, or Porter which is my mothers maiden name. I went with Porter. So now the little guy is Garret Porter Medley.

So many changes have been going on, it seems like 2 years old is a developmental milestone! We have started the challenge of potty training this summer. Garret has the concept down, and we have had many successful trips to the potty. However we have not had a dry diaper day yet.
We also started sleeping in a big boy bed! It was a bit sad to retire the crib but Garret loves his new bed and has no trouble sleeping in it at night so far.

I am out of school until the end of August which is great because I have more time to spend with the little guy. We have been going to the pool and beach, exploring the parks around Estero and Ft.Myers, made trips to the library, and attended a few minor league baseball games. It is nice to be able to spend a couple full days a week with just Garret. He is really growing so fast, he has turned into quite an active boy so hopefully I am able to find enough adventures to keep him busy this summer.

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